My life and hobbies that I enjoy

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Trying week! and other thoughts.

I haven't been on here much lately. Reading, but not posting.
Last Sat we found out that our dog Murphy has a kidney disease. Of course I am a basket case. Tuesday he goes in for an x-ray to make sure that there isn't any other problems. Cancer, stones. calcium deposits, etc. I get very emotional when it comes to my dogs. Probably too much. If there aren't any more problems he could possible live for a couple more years. With a diet change. Which we have started. No promises of course. I wish tuesday was over. I think I will be better ( I hope) after I know more. All this unknown just gets to me. So if you can think about us and prayers will be apprieciated. He will be 11 in Dec. So I know that he has had a good life. The vet does think that we did catch it early even though he is in stage 3. So that is a good thing. Just have to through the tests on Tuesday. I hate being so emotional...but it is the way I am.
Work isn't helping.  There is something going on there. We had the talk that some of us need to change our attitudes. Not happy you know where the door is. He doesn't want to have to fire anyone, etc. ut he will if certain peoples attitudes don't change. But luckily the boss came up to me and said that he wasn't talking about me! Since we had this new company come in to run our dept there has been a lot of unrest. Negativity, etc. They are use to being in the hotel business, not the hospital business. I am so glad that I am not a new employee as there isn't the training that we had when I started.
This is really a downer posting! Sorry!
The good news is that The Greenleaf Dollhouse contest is due to announce the winners the first week of Oct and then we get to see all the eye candy! I have seen some of the entries from the people on the forum. But there are people outside the forum that have entered also. I CAN'T WAIT to see EVERYONES entries! The ones I have seen so far are wonderful! I posted my entry pictures a few posts ago. I am pleased with it.
WOW!  When I was driving to work the other day I noticed how everything is starting to change color. Just starting to get that fall look. Enough to let you know that the colors will be here soon. It sure doesn't seem like mid Sept is here already! Gardens are starting to really look tired. I plan to go out today and see what needs to be cut back. With the heat this summer I wasn't out there as much as usual. Summer went so fast!
I have to investigate putting pictures on here again. I think it was Deb who posted about how she got her pictures to work again. My blog really looks boring without pictures!
 I hope everyones has a great weekend. Hugs, Teresa


  1. Your words paint many pictures. Photos not necessary, though always appreciated.
    I am sending so many good wishes for you and for Murphy. I don't do worry well myself, so have some idea of how you are feeling. I will have my fingers crossed that no other uglies rear their heads.

  2. Thinking and hoping for a really good outcome for Murphy. Poor baby.

    I hope that all goes well at work also, any change is hard, and changing companies takes some getting used to.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  3. I will send you positive thoughts for your lovely dog, boy they just mean so much to us don't hey? I will send you positive thoughts for work, and of course for your dollhouse.
    Hang in there,

  4. I send healing thoughts to Murphy. I am an animal lover too.

  5. Te deseo mucha suerte en tu trabajo, para Murphy buenos deseos.
    Seguro que todo va bien.
    besitos ascension

  6. I'm so sorry. This is a hard time for you and I'll keep you in my thoughts. Sweet hugs!


I love comments! So please let me know what you think about my posts. Have a great day. I will not open anonymous comments though. Hugs, Teresa