I had a great time doing this dollhouse miniature swap. These are the great items that I recieved from Gloria in Canada.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Christmas in July miniature swap
I had a great time doing this dollhouse miniature swap. These are the great items that I recieved from Gloria in Canada.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Daylily trip
This is Solaris Farms. Daylilies, lilies, peoneys for sale here. You walk the fields, pick out what you want and they dig them for you. You bring them home bare rooted. The daylilies are anywhere from $6.50 to hundreds of dollars! These are huge plants. Many of our 66+ daylilies came from there.
Some of the fields we walked through to pick out a few more yesterday. Luckily we went on the computer first as this can be over-whelming.
This is a nice restful place to sit and look through the list of plants. Or just to take in all the color!
Goofy little baby house finches in our flower bed.
Solaris Farms is about an half an hour from here. Most plants are hybridized by him. He only sells very large, healthy plants. It is so nice to walk amoungst all the colors. We bought one yesterday in a copper color! We are up to at least 66 different daylilies now. July and into Aug is always very colorful around here! Between all the different plants we have and all the birds it looks very alive out there! My favorite time of year. With all the bees balm, catmint, coneflowers, roses, joe pye weed, etc we are helping the bee population! Which is very important. Bees are having problems right now. Also monarchs. So please if you can even plant a small display in the ground or pots it would be a big help in bringing the bees and butterflies back. Hugs, Teresa
Sunday, July 14, 2013
The daylilies are blooming!
Our back Bed. It is full of color now! It looks like there are mostly yellow daylilies. But we do have plenty of other colors. Some haven't bloomed yet. We have ove 50 different daylilies. tetraploids, spider type, doubles, reblooming, etc. July is a very colorful month around here!! There is daylilies, bee alm, wild quanine, allium and roses in this area. On the left there are even more daylilies to bloom yet, plus other flowers against the fence.
Bella Lagosi
You would think with have over 50 we would have enough! But we may be going to a daylily nursery next weekend. This is where we bought most of our plants. The Night Embers (and a few others) we bought from a place near here. The color combinations on daylilies is fantastic! It is so nice to go outside each day and see so much color! Have a great week everyone. Hugs, Teresa
Thursday, July 11, 2013
One of these will be ours!
These are English Cocker Spanial puppies. Almost 3 weeks old when I took this picture on the 4th of July. A friend of mine raises them. We have had one of her dogs before. I adopted her when she was about 2 years old. I got her before we were married. Her name was Jenna. She was like the one in the back. An orange roan. We also had another one named Murphy. Not of my friends litters. But one she found for us. He was 18 months old when we got him. Jenna was an ex show dog. Many titles in her show days. But most importantly a great friend. Murphy was an ex show dog also. But after one show he proved to be to shy. Lucky for us. We loved them both so much.

5 puppies. 4 blue roans and one orange roan. The orange roan was been spoken for. We will be able to choose soon. Way to early yet. The man was able to decide on him because he waited forever to be able to get an orange roan from her.
5 puppies. 4 blue roans and one orange roan. The orange roan was been spoken for. We will be able to choose soon. Way to early yet. The man was able to decide on him because he waited forever to be able to get an orange roan from her.
Puppy cuteness! The ones with all the spots will be dark like Murphy. The other one will have lighter roaning. I am so use to seeing the darker ones that I just can't picture it yet.
I don't know why the orange roan looks so wrinkly. Maybe he just needs to grow into his skin? lol. Or the wrinkles show up more with his coloring? I saw some new pictures and he is changing and filling in the skin. I took these pictures on the 4th.
This is Murphy from last fall. We lost him January 9th.Anyway the puppies will end up looking like him. Their coloring may be different as each puppy has different amounts of black on them. ( more black spots makes them look darker). So in about a month we will be new parents again. (kind of scary as we haven't had a puppy since Tanner 7 years ago). Tanner (our corgi) will be a big brother.
Have a great day. Hugs, Teresa
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Anyone else have this problem???
Every once in awhile I try to go onto blogger and get a page (where the posts usually are) that says Latest in Blogger or something like that. Says I am not following any blogs. Ususally I can get into it after one try after seeing that...not today. Just wondering if you all get that sometimes also. hugs, Teresa
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Just playing around again
Jut playing with the camera
Baby chickadee looking for his meal! I don't know how many babies there are. But the parents sure are busy with meal delivery!
Open wide little one. They must be geting ready to fledge as the parents don't have to go into the house any more. They do at times though. If there is more then one chick they can't all fit in the doorway to be fed.
This bee was flying right at me ! I really didn't think I would be able to get this shot. I sat out there for an hour just trying to get one shot to be in focus (or near anyway). My husand probably thinks I'm nuts. Didn't ask. But you have to be patient (or stubborn to get these. :~ Managed to get a few. :) These guys can really move!
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