I love this picture. It can mean so many things. Hopefulness, hopelessness, courage. Depends on the kind of mood I am in. Today I am seeing it as sad. Teary kind of day.
It has been a hard week. Bad stomach flu, and finding out that my husband needs needs knee surgery. (Kind of a what else can else go wrong kind of week). I stayed away from meeting with my family today so that I didn't get them sick. I was so sick monday and tuesday that I didn't get out of bed for over 24 hours. Just to go (run) to the bathroom. I know TMI. Did read your blogs on my NOOK though between sleeps. I know my husband's surgery isn't serious, Thank God, but there is 3 things wrong with his knee so 3 surgeries in one. Not sure when it will be as he was suppose to see the dr yesterday and the dr was running late so had to reschedule for monday. He saw the PA who told him that he needed surgery (after the dr read the MRI and told her to tell him this news) but can't schedule it until he actually sees the dr. Why not schedule the operation and cancel if needed. Don't know why the wait. but at least his knee can be fixed. My birthday is tomorrow. I have to work, but that is o.k. as my Dh has to work also. It WAS his weekend off but....
monster boss took it. She steals a lot of his weekends. He had made plans on what we were going to do for my birthday, but it will have to wait. At least the places he planned to take me are going on for a few weekends. Festival of Lights, Nutcracker at the Paine Museum. She said that he can have off next saturday...but not holding my breath.
Just have to remember the good things:
A husband who loves me even in the mood I was in today. Crabby and snappy. ( I did apolagize)
Family who loves me.
My dogs who make me laugh and hug.
A good job. Even though frustrating at times :~
No storms like so much of the rest of the country.
Just life in general as so many have it way worse then I do.
Here is to a better tomorrow. Hugs, Teresa