The first two pictures are to show you just how much she has grown in the 6 weeks Summer has been with us. Here she is 14 weeks old. As you can tell she definitely did not want to hold still!

A picture that I took of her on the day we brought her home was published in a special gardening section of the Appleton Post Crescent today! It was also suppose to be in our paper, but some reason it didn't, so I had to go out and buy the Appleton paper. As you can from picture #1 her coloring has changed quite a bit! This was such a thrill and honor that my photo was chosen to be published.
Tanner wants to know if he is chpped liver now? Everything is Summer this and Summer that. Oh Tanner you don't get any attention do you??? So ignored!! Does he look like an unhappy pup to you? That is one face that shows shows a lot of expression. We always know what he is feeling.
I walked on this trail in Neenah. It is an old train trestle made into a walking path. It goes over Lake Butte des Mort. It is a very long trail over the Lake with observation decks and places to fish off the trail. It was very windy up there yesterday. There were alot of people walking, biking, and walking their dogs.
We are beginning to get color around here! It is patchy yet, but there are some very pretty spots. We are a little early because a lot of trees are stressed from lack of rain. In the next couple of weeks we should be seeing a lot more color.
This is a very pretty area. It is so funny how you get this and then to the right or left there is hardly any color. As you see there are at least 4 kinds of trees in this woods by the colors. Yellows, red, orange and green. Mother Nature is wonderful. You just don't know what she is going to show you next!
We are starting to cut back the gardens now. Carrots and beets will be dug up Tues when Jeff has off. Tomatoes can stay in a little longer. The cukes are done. They didn't do well this year. Everything else was an earlier crop. The perennials will be next. Not too much in bloom now. But with over 300 different plants we will have some flowers and green plants for awhile yet. But most are definitely ready to cut back. :( This really makes you think about winter. ( :( again). I can't believe that the start of Oct. is in just a few days! Where did Sept go? Really where did it go? It seems like it started and ended in a few days. Where was I? Any way this is the news from here. Have a great week everyone. Hugs, Teresa